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“In powerful, successful schools…, the people who are seen as most credible with the greatest expertise about teaching and learning are the teachers themselves.”  

-Carl Glickman “Pretending Not to Know What We Know,”  Educational Leadership, 1991.


“Leadership is creating the conditions under which others can do their best work” 

-Frances Frei, Harvard Business School



Guiding Principles

The Hawai’i Teacher Leadership Network agreed to the following guiding principles:


  1. Support teachers in becoming effective leaders by creating a  differentiated teacher leader pathway system that is circular in nature. 

  2. Attract and retain the most effective teachers by providing enhanced career opportunities that are challenging, motivating, and meaningful.

  3. Reward teachers who seek out increased knowledge, skills, and leadership with compensation and incentives that recognize the worth of their contributions to their schools, districts, and state education system.

  4. Promote lifelong learning opportunities for teachers to encourage professional growth.

  5. Provide support to teachers in the process of their professional learning and undertaking of different leadership opportunities so they can grow and become effective leaders. 

  6. Focus on student learning and outcomes by strengthening teacher leadership and instruction.

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